Author Archives: admin

System Staging

Identify and unpack each of the system components

Vuze TouchScreen PC

Vuze TouchScreen PC



Guest Coaster Tags

Guest Coaster Tags

Reference Tags

Reference Tags

Layout all equipment and compare to packing list.

All Tags Spread outCharging Bases in Packaging

GW with Ethernet





Place chargers by cash registers with appropriate power supplies

Charging Base with PS



Place guest coaster tags on charger and plug in.

Coaster Tags may need up to 3 hours to get back to a full charge depending on transit time to the location.20120924_233214





Unpack reader and PC

The reader will connect via Ethernet cable directly to the Vuze PC in most installations.  On occasion, the reader will be connected to a local network.  In these scenarios, consult with the on site IT contact for which Ethernet port should be used.

Both devices require standard 110V power outlets and should be plugged into properly rated surge protection devices (not included).

The location of the PC will be designated by the on site management.   The reader should be placed near the PC at a minimum of 4 feet above the ground with the antenna facing up when available.

HME does not supply or mount PC's onto wall mounts during installation.  Mounting PC's is done solely at the discretion and risk of the customer.

PC base -PS GW with Ethernet PC connectors






Place all Reference tags for initial testing

In the box, HME has supplied a map designating each of the reference tag locations in the restaurant.  Each tag is labeled with a letter sticker that corresponds with a location on the map.  Additionally, a second letter sticker has been provided to be placed on the table (typically the leg) as a marker to show where the tag has been installed, more on this during the mounting of tags portion of this post.

RT Layout for Testing
















All Reference Tags, including those referred to as Activator Tags and Deactivator Tags, all use 3.6v “A” Cell Lithium Ion Batteries that are only sold through HME Wireless. These batteries are $12 each for replacements.  Off the shelf “AA” batteries are not suitable to power the Reference Tags.

To prevent battery drain and to ensure safe shipping, the Lithium Ion batteries are placed in the Reference Tag backwards for storage and shipping.   If you suspect a Reference Tag is not working, please check the batteries to ensure they are in the correct direction.

In the event that the batteries are in the correct direction and the tag is still not functioning properly, the next step would be to Tag statistics in Vuze Admin.

To Run Tag Statistics:

  • Open VUZE Admin.
  • Enter PIN.
  • Select Reports -> Logs -> Tags
  • Note the dates the tags were last in use.   Each column is sort able by touching or clicking the column title.

Tags in UI